Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The little things ...

My family came to visit for the weekend.  Of course, it was unseasonably cool and wet. I was surprised to realize that I could only think of two indoor options for activities.  The desert hike and a train ride through the peach blossoms were definitely not going to happen.  Most of Saturday was spent at basketball games and a football game.  My mom had said that if we moved to Arizona, we would "never see her because it is too hot".  Apparently, the Universe was listening because it was windy, raining and about 60 degrees.  This picture was taken before I gave her a second fleece blanket.

While my brother was in town, I asked him to help add the handles to my sewing storage units.  The cabinet door instructions offer no suggestions on how/where to attach the handles and the handle instructions only suggest a side to side measurement.  In the end, I decided to center them from top to bottom.  Here is Sherman's cousin, Crosby, "helping" a/k/a monitoring my brother to ensure that he doesn't drive back to LA without him.
My brother is a dog-lover and always comes bearing treats for Sherman.

I still need to organize a small shelving unit before I can call this room done but I am so happy to have the cabinet handles on (and to be done with opening them from the bottom edge).

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ready, set ....

I have been quiet on the blog-front because I've been busy sewing plus prepping for a family visit this weekend.  One of the reasons I had to pass on the race was that my family planned to visit sometime this winter and the dates were still up in the air.  The time has come.

Here's what I've been up to, sewing-wise.  Nearly all of the blocks for last year's Quiltville mystery are finished.
I would be ready to put the top together but I've decided to make it bigger.  I've been pre-cutting and kitting up parts for the additional blocks.  There are also HST parts for a new office runner/quilt since I have new furniture in that room.
As sew-offs in between the mystery blocks, I've been making piano key border sections for the Friendship pinwheels.
I have one more set of blocks to precut and then I will be ready to pack for Amishland.  The trip is right around the corner.  Can't wait!

Here are a couple of sunset photos from last week.  We are treated nearly every morning and evening with incredible displays.