Thursday, April 23, 2020

Long time ...

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted.  I think I ran out of things to say for a while. 

Last summer I decided that I was just going to dump the things/thoughts that weren't working for me.  That was a good move and helped to clear the mental clutter and cobwebs.  Mostly, I was hanging onto things that I thought would be sure-fire successes when we moved here but have not panned out.  I was holding my quilt guild to the expectation that it was going to be great because it was bigger and I could find a niche or move from subgroup to subgroup until I found the right one.  Mostly it's been a grind with a few bright spots here and there.  Hanging onto that expectation was making each and every meeting seem like a punishment.  I decided to resign my board position asap (this fiscal year) so I just have 2-3 months to go.  That will mean that I can skip meetings if the program isn't interesting and I won't feel like the hired help so much.  I can continue to support the charity group by sewing when it suits me.

I should probably post during these COVID-19 days so I can remember how the time went by.  The weeks are really moving quickly.  Maybe it's because I still have so much to learn in my new job but there seems to be more to it.  I finish my workday at 2:30 p.m. and it seems like I blink and it's bedtime (that's with me still going to bed later than I should).  I really don't know where the time goes or how we did all of the things we did before. 

We were really in a rut with Brady's sports and it was a constant topic in our family.  We had something sports-related 6-7 days a week, often leaving one thing early to get to another late because they overlapped two nights a week.  Brady kept asking to rejoin his basketball and baseball clubs but it seemed like he was relishing the routine as much as the activities.  It seemed like he often wasn't enjoying it but didn't want to practice more or quit.  Who knows.  As parents, we were burned out by some of it and weren't sure where it was headed in the long term.  Since kids can play year round here, it is relentless and expensive.  Mike and I are really enjoying the pause on sports.  Brady has virtual practices and lots of equipment in the backyard when he wants to do other practice.  We have suspected that sports restarting will be the first thing to push the envelope from a staying-in perspective.  Baseball is going to try to restart on May 15 but we will be opting out.  Brady is on board with that so we will go one step at a time.

We are being very conservative about staying in and doing near complete social distancing.  Mike has always had lung and sinus issues.  He had a bad case of pneumonia a few years ago and it was pretty scary for weeks.  We are not taking the attitude that this virus is something you catch, endure and get better.  So many folks have had severe and fatal reactions to it.  We don't want to take any unnecessary chances.  We are considering home schooling options and trying to map out what a year plus at home might look like.  We will see. 

Taking it day by day.

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