Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Back to School Routine

Since my last post, another neighbor had a visit from one of the toads I mentioned. They are huge--up to 8" inches and 2 pounds.  They remind me of the most recent How to Train Your Dragon movie character.

Mike was suffering from home theater withdrawal so he bought a new TV for the main living area.  He got the 70" instead of the 80", thankfully.  That makes it 62" inches across--bigger than me.  Mike and Brady had a long talk about the technology and pixels and such.  It reminded me of the time when many of you saw our basement renovation for the first time and wondered about the two watching areas so close together.  It is a guy thing, that is for sure.

The unpacking in my sewing room is progressing  as I have unpacked another 14 boxes and the rest of the boxes now fit in the sewing room.  I think there are 6-8 more to go plus a couple of Rubbermaid bins.  I am far enough along to see that there are a few problems to solve.  I need to figure out the best way to sort and store my prints since the furniture that used to hold them isn't a good fit for the new room.  I have the same issue with my finished quilts.  I'm not sure the best way to store them.  I need a way to sort and store my notions and tools and also more effective ways to contain the UFO projects. Many of the UFO's were in a stack and gravity kept them together.  I think I need to do something better to keep all of the pieces and parts contained but not overly bulky.  If you have any tips or suggestions for any of these issues, let me know!  Right now, it looks like the storm before the calm ... I am focused on sorting things into piles/shelves then I can assess the best way to sort or it store it on the shelves or in the closet. 

Sherman continues to be glued to me in the home office during the day.  We still haven't decided on the best way to make that room a combo of office and guest room but, in the meantime, we moved in the comfortable chair and ottoman.  He pretty much lives on the ottoman, waking up occasionally to make sure I'm still there or bark at someone he sees on the street.  He has been taking his bone in that room at night to chew in peace.  Weird dog!  I think he was ready for Brady to go back to school because now he can sleep all day without interruption (then play too rough after school).

We are pleased so far with Brady's school and teacher and that is a relief.  We put so much time and research into the choice of school, going back to December of last year, but you can only research so much.  Last week, we realized that we didn't have the first Harry Potter book so Mike ordered it and it arrived yesterday.  When we gave it to Brady, he was so excited because his teacher has been reading it to them in class.  It is the little things like that that make us encouraged that the atmosphere and curriculum will be much better this year.  This week is Curriculum Night, when parents can go to the classroom for 30 minutes without kids to hear the teacher describe this year's plans for the class.

The PTO seems very active and organized too.  As far as I can tell, they only do one fundraiser (selling refill cups for the local movie theater chain).  Otherwise, they ask that you write a check for a suggested donation of $25 rather than doing all of the traditional catalog or cookie dough sales.  Done!  They do the same for parent volunteering.  They ask parents to donate two hours of their time or make a $25 donation instead.  We have time to donate but how nice for working parents to have that option!  We all walked to and from school for the first two days but today, Mike and Brady rode their bikes.  It is only a 5 minute ride and there is a huge set of racks to lock up bikes at the neighborhood school where he catches the bus.  The neighborhood school starts 30 minutes after he gets the bus so, by the time we are home from taking him, the neighborhood is full of walking or biking kids, parents and dogs. 

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