Monday, May 18, 2020

Dino Distraction

I am down to one more Farmgirl Vintage block to go but I had to take a break to finish the latest clue on the mystery in time for our weekly Zoom meeting to show progress.  It is basic but the fabrics are cheerful so it will make a nice quilt for community service.  I spent a full day in the garage sorting the 10 bins of community service fabric and kits.  It was a lot of work but I now have a more detailed inventory for my successor.  Six more weeks.  The great debate continues in my guild regarding when to physically meet again.  Most meetings have about 65 people and there is only one person who is anxious to get back together in person anytime soon.

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday, my grandmother's birthday and, apparently, a little boy in the neighborhood's birthday.  When his parents said he is into dinosaurs, cars and construction, I decided there was no better time to finish the dinosaur top I made earlier this year for a pattern testing.  I saw a remnant of this print when I was at Mrs. Miller's a few months ago and couldn't pass it up, although I had no idea what I would do with it.

I had just enough to cut the larger blocks.  On that same trip, I pulled some Judy fabric for the four patches.

I had the skinny panel for the back (what an annoying size!) and I used exactly the amount of the constructions signs that I had to finish the back.  The pieces I trimmed off before binding were as small as an eighth of an inch so I'm lucky I didn't get myself into trouble with cutting it that close.

I had two pieces of the black dot fabric but I used all of one of them for the border and binding.  I had a batting scrap that fit after a couple of cuts and seams.  The whole thing just seemed meant to be. I hope little Levi enjoys it.  It was a fun weekend diversion.

Arizona has opened up with great enthusiasm which meant we were forced to quit the basketball team and will not be at baseball practices starting later this week.  It's just the first in a series of tough choices, I'm sure.  Onward and upward.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful piece. It's odd, isn't it? The category of Judy fabric.
