Thursday, April 27, 2023

In the Done Column

For the last few days, I've been binding, binding and binding.  I bound six quilts using some new, more precise methods.  That's about 1200 inches of binding but, who is counting?  I have to admit I was getting a little bored but pressed on so I can finish these.  All but one are charity quilts, mostly flannels.  I have one more pin basted, ready to quilt and bind.

I've also gotten caught up on my local Friendship Group's blocks.  Back in Ohio, it seemed that the stress of Friendship was fabric selection.  Here, all of the fabric is provided, often pre-cut.  That can be a different kind of stress--especially when paper piecing is involved (e.g. are you a measurer or a just cut off a chunk person?).

I'm also prepping things for the May retreat and planning not to overpack.  :-)  I keep feeling tempted to add some time to the trip to drive to Pittsburgh so that I can see what is happening at my mom's house.  I usually end up deciding that it is a bad idea to combine the best of things with some of the worst of things.   We haven't gotten any executor updates since she passed away in August.

I've been doing spending more time introspectively since retirement and, also, challenging myself to do things that I'm not good at.  All of that feels like work, hard work, but I'm trying to better myself.  Lately, I've been riding my bike on the nearby desert path.  I'm terrible at maneuvering, etc. so I try to pick times to ride when no one else is out there (read:  when it's HOT). So far, so good out in the desert but I definitely need a lot more experience with the streets, sidewalks, and traffic.  In due time.

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